Sunday, April 17, 2011


Libby has become quite the little chatterbox! After months of sounds (mmm, ooommm, grrrrr) and raspberries (lots and lots of raspberries), she has finally started babbling!!! We hear ba-ba-ba and ma-ma-ma and an occasional la-la all day. She will even whisper the sounds sometimes. She looks like a little goldfish when she goes into this mode.

But da-da has eluded us. Despite Craig's diligent work with the Da Da book and saying it to her every time he sees her, no da-das. This morning he swears she said it when he got her out of the crib but it could have been wishful thinking. :)

I am trying to capture these little sounds on the Flip and will post a video later! Here's a photo taken right after her first babble.... ma-ma. I was one happy happy mommy!!!!

1 comment:

ouida said...

way to go baby L! you can do it!!