7 months old... wow that went fast. Libby is such a wild, silly, sweet and precious girl.
Craig and I didn't get a chance to spend the whole weekend with her as we would have liked. I was on call and had clinic both days and we tackled 56 bags of mulch for the yard. But we still took a few minutes to fill out her 7 month page in her baby book together. It was such a neat experience! As we went through the questions on the page, we each remembered different aspects of Libby and loved sharing them with each other.
7 months is such a wonderful age!! We just love coming home to her big, toothy, drooly smiles every day!!
Some fun 7 month Libby stuff.....
- EVERYTHING goes in her mouth
- She loves music - loves to listen to her musical toys and her toys that make sounds
- She really settles and focuses when you read to her
- She laughs and laughs when you tickle her ribs or when MacKenzie licks her hands
- She is working on waving.... I know its going to all come together any day now... you can just see the wheels turning in there
1 comment:
The smiles are so precious! She smiles just like her daddy. Her whole face lights up!
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